It simply wasn't THAT monster. It's a sea monster, yes, but it isn't THAT particular monster. That was fan made. Also, if they can make a good movie with barely any soundtrack at all, what's it matter? Movie soundtrack's tend to be filled with a lot of mainstream radio crap anyways.
the plot of the film revolves around a monster in nyc (could be one monster could be more but deffo one big one)
Various sources already have said it's multiple monsters. Kind of like a parasite it seems. I don't know yet, I know it's multiple monsters that are sea creatures (thank you viral marketing for helping me figure that out).
they dont show it on a really small speck on the trailer, since its a really secretive movie at the moment. The Parasites come off of the monster from what ive read but like what bluefalcon says.. check out the viral tie-ins some of them are pretty well done or some of the viral websites jllovesth), , and
It's here guys! Everything! It's nothing short from awesome. Here's the link: It was JUST posted. It's not Godzilla, it's not a ------ing Whale. It's beyond anything your imagination can comprehend. "The creature isn’t the groundbreaking thing about the film. It is, but it isn’t." "When the world goes to ------, you instantly think about the person you love that you don’t know is OK or not. That’s this story." "Folks – CLOVERFIELD is worth the obsession, worth the months I’ve had to put up with fans wondering what the hell it was – worth having to deal with reporters asking me what it was – and I didn’t know either. This is a towering movie. A complete reinvention of the disaster movie, the giant monster movie and even the love story. I absolutely love this film and the only thought I had when it was over was how I wanted to watch it 5 more times today." I'm seeing this. Definitely. This news is proof enough.
nice!! that bit does contain one or two minor spoilers in some ways, its a good review and once 18-01-08 hits i might have to stay off the movie sites and anything Cloverfield related until 1st Feb.
Let's just say my friend's dad goes to China frequently and brings back souveniers with him. 9/10 on the rating from me.
Well, there's always the black market. Glad you liked it, London, makes me want to see the movie myself even more.