This movie looks awesome, they have had alot of commercials for this lately though, starting to get a little annoying.
Hmm i hear its about some sort of monster the size of the statue of liberty?? and that its filmed like the blair witch project like from their point of view witha hand held camera.
gotta wait till the 2nd of Feb in the UK to watch this, wtf is up with that? 18-01-08 in the US? and i know people are gonna post loads of stuff about this and ruin it. Trailer for it was pretty cool with the head flying into NYC, and some of the foreign reports are cool to. is this the monster? u reckon? and from the trailer
No, that is NOT the monster. It was already dis-proven as being a fan-made drawing from several sources already. Debunk'd.
well what is that gif thing shows then. they said that trailer shows at monster at one point, that was it.