I saw the movie - It was good, but I was not expecting it to be a camera movie like the BlareWitch Project.
Well, im pretty sure there'll be a series there were hints of that, but a sequel is a 100% yes. I can't wait, as long as they don't kill it. :\ Btw, i got it off from IGN http://movies.ign.com/articles/846/846669p1.html
This movie is the ----, holy ------!!! You guys like my review? DVD? Epic fail, you should've gotten the Blu-ray version
yeah got me a bit dissy aswell i would say it is a great movie & it had some awsome special effects i am still waiting for the sequal i do think there is going to be one ... atleast i hope so ... well i would rate it around 4/5 thanks , -Sn00p-
i watched and i know got bad reviews but i thought was great end was just like wtf , i bet there will be a 2nd as im sure the nuke didnt scratch it barely
I started to watch this awhile ago, but I never finsihed it. Maybe sometime soon I'll have to finish it. A lot of people said it was bad but eh, if I have time to waste I'll watch it.