
Discussion in 'Movies' started by .Shine, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. bluefalcon_ad

    bluefalcon_ad Well-Known Member

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    Apr 15, 2006
    Just trying to get rid of that fan fiction, Pulse. :eek: Don't worry. Lawl.
  2. r3m1x

    r3m1x Well-Known Member

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    Jun 21, 2005
    New York City
    Personally, I enjoyed watching Transformers a lot more than cloverfield, but I don't see why "A Clockwork Orange" is even considered a good movie. I watched it and I think it's garbage. Cloverfield is amazing compared to A Clockwork Orange.
  3. D 4 1

    D 4 1 Member

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    Jan 11, 2008
    Oh yes, it was a unique movie with a different style, but lacked a good plot. :/
  4. Running Riot

    Running Riot Well-Known Member

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    May 23, 2006
    Gotham City
    I really liked the movie but a few things i didn't like.


    1. When the camera guy is under the monster and it kills him. A single person getting the monsters full attention like that is lol. Thats like you bending over and eating a pee off the floor with your teeth. There's just so many other things like the jets/helicopters that are shooting at it, buildings etc that would have its attention. It destroyed basically everything why stop like that for 1 little human? lol <_<

    2. Wish there was more of a concluded ending. Maybe getting an estimated death toll from news reporters, Overview of the city to see more damage etc.[/color]
  5. Pulse.

    Pulse. Well-Known Member

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    Jul 12, 2005
    Reading, UK
    just got back from watching it and it was brilliant, loved all of the movie not real bad things for me.

    [color=#000000;background:#000000]loved the bit where Marlena's stomach just blew up :lol: [/color]

    And the Cloverfield monster was well designed, and very convincing and i really liked it too so once the camera showed the news reports on the tv showing the monster i was like 'wow'.

    deffo gonna have to go see it again

    Cant wait for Cloverfield 2 ^_^
  6. Slappy McHappy

    Slappy McHappy Well-Known Member

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    Oct 26, 2005
    Dude, I'm about tired of you seeing you call people lazy asses and idiots just because they have a different opinion of the movie than you do. You do nothing but make yourself look like a pompous ass by posting things like that in this thread. Just because people didn't spend 5 hours researching this movie on the internet, before going to see it, doesn't mean that they will like it.

    Have you ever heard the expression....."Opinions are like A-holes. Everybody's got one."?

    Also. When you watch a movie at a movie theater, at home, wherever you may be. Any good story teller will fill you in on almost every aspect of the "goings on's" that are happening in the movie. Somewhere along the line, you find out most of the movie's plot, and why things happen. In this movie, the main thing that they explain, is why the moron is carrying a camera. They take a full, boring, 20 minutes at the beginning of the movie to do so. Other than that, we as paying customers, and movie fanatics, are supposed to go home, and turn on our computers, and research the rest of the crap that they don't bother to explain? In my honest opinion, you're the only idiot here that would actually take the time to do something like that, instead of recognizing the fact that quite a few things should have been, or in the least, "could have" been hinted at in the movie.

    Now I'm not a naive person in the least. I know that not EVERY single thing should be explained. That is what makes an interesting plot, and leaves you wanting more. Which in turn will lead to a sequel, and us spending our hard earned money to go see it. That's the way it should be done. I don't need to know that the Cloverfield Monster came from the planet Zoltar. That the only reason he is running amok through downtown New York is because he has a bad case of heartburn from eating a bad chalupa from the neighborhood Taco Bell. And he was treated rather rudely by the employees, when he placed a complaint, which sent him on a tirade. I could care less about things like that. The monster looked awesome in my opinion. The special effects were great. The storyline, coming from the movie itself was freakin stupid. The camera work was too blair witch for most to appreciate. And the ending sucked. All in all, I myself would pay to see the sequel. Too many holes not too........

    And once again, the fact that the movie trailers prior to the release of this movie were a little mis leading to most, is what dissapointed some of the fans.
  7. bluefalcon_ad

    bluefalcon_ad Well-Known Member

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    Apr 15, 2006
    One article read, really, is all you need. Or smaller article reading and you'll be fine. 5 hours of research my ass. Try 5 minutes. Anybody can do that. When people refuse to take those simple 5 minutes and repeat the same ignorant comments, then whatever. Otherwise, at least gain knowledge that the movie's alleged "plot holes" are not plot holes at all. I mean, hell, - about 5 seconds of loading and a few seconds of reading (unless of course someone has a problem reading). That isn't spending 5 hours of research, now is it?

    Of course, but blatantly insulting a movie over stuff that's already been solved and not listening to other people trying to tell the person that their reasons for liking the movie is something that could have been resolved in seconds is something else. We can all conflict our opinions. Everyone has opinions, and everyone can be right or wrong in their opinion.

    Oh yes, I'm an idiot, no, not just me, the millions of other people who were interested in the movie, taking the time to do a few minutes of research about the movie they were interested in. Rob and Beth argued in the first 20 minutes, exemplifying the regrets people increasingly have that results in some of the most tragic losses you can imagine. You also see a few viral marketing similarities in the first 20 minutes, also. There's a lot more going on in the first 20 minutes than you or many think. Same for the ending of the movie.

    He's running around wild because of, well, us as people. <_< The ending of the movie shows its origins. It's explained in that link you supposedly debunked and moved on. Again, 5 minutes of reading. I will agree, though, there was too much dependence on viral marketing. The marketing is meant to kind of give you an EXTRA bit of information, not complete dependence on it. The DVD might help explain things, though.

    I have this odd feeling that in the DVD for Cloverfield, you can be able to chose a conventional camera, or what you saw in theatres. I think that would be very very good to have, honestly. I wish they'd do that...
  8. Yagami. Raito

    Yagami. Raito Well-Known Member

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    Jan 29, 2007

    In reply to your spoiler:

    [color=#000000;background:#000000] The monster was personally after that group of people or so everyone has been thinking. Since Rob has taken the job of a Slusho plant. The owner of the Slusho plant can control the monster and sends the monster after them, but what the owner didn't know is that the monster has a taste for Seabed nectar which is the secret ingredient in the Slusho drinks. In the movie, slusho is a really popular drink and everyone drinks it and the secret ingredient acts like nicotine and stays in your system which attracts the monster to you hence why that chick said it was eating people.[/color]

    That's all assumptions from analyzing the viral marketing websites and adds.
  9. Andrew1990

    Andrew1990 Well-Known Member

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    Feb 3, 2008
    well i watched it... and i loved it....
    I think IF they came out with another one.......
    they should make a story of a soldier....

    like u know, the soldier have to go back into Manhatten with Cameras strapped to there helmets, and we will descover more, that be nice..... fo me. :P
  10. Leetsauce

    Leetsauce Well-Known Member

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    Sep 18, 2007
    I thought it was a load of ---- tbh. Ok, it had it's good moments. "whats that.." "Something else, also terrible" lmao.
    But i did get some wierd looks when i laughed at [color=#000000;background:#000000] when the military shot down ther monster and the camera man, and rob were laughing at it, then it jumped up and owned them [/color] :P
  11. pianoman0723

    pianoman0723 Well-Known Member

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    Apr 2, 2006
    i think thats the difference between people who hated the movie and the people who loved it. those of us who loved it took time to get like emotionally involved in it and suspended our disbelief, the people who hated it didnt do that.
  12. Pulse.

    Pulse. Well-Known Member

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    Jul 12, 2005
    Reading, UK
    im going to see it again :lol:
  13. epic6is

    epic6is Member

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    Feb 3, 2008
    I personally enjoyed the hell out of this movie. I saw it two times, in fact.

    I had to after hearing about the part near the end when "something" falls out of the sky in the rewind of Coney Island.

    I saw it, freaked out, and I kind of want to see it again... :(. I guess the movie is that much better when you followed the Viral Marketing as closely as I did.
  14. TAD. Zolo

    TAD. Zolo Well-Known Member

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    Oct 25, 2006
    Well, everyone in my school said it was the worst movie they've seen yet. They say they wish they wouldn't have wasted their money and their time. I guess you have to like the monster genre like some people are saying. I don't think I'll see it because I'm not too into monster movies.
  15. bluefalcon_ad

    bluefalcon_ad Well-Known Member

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    Apr 15, 2006
    I think it's more of the other way around. People expected too much of another Godzilla film, and they got this. Which isn't bad, by any means. It's a redefining of a monster film, really. You can't categorize it completely into your typical monster film, as really it's more about the main characters rather than the monster, which is something people overlook too much.

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