Canon Gl2

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slick, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. Slick

    Slick Active Member

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    Jun 5, 2004
    Well I was home today going about my buisness babysitting my little sister while my mom was out somewhere. I hear someone knock on the door, I open it and see a FedEx guy thats about 6'7 he already has this little thing for me to sign. I sign, carry the pacage into my house and call my mom to see if I can open it to see what it is, she says yes. I open the pacage and see nothing but those little white fomy things, so I dig through them and uncover the box of a Canon GL2!

    I was so exited I called my mom back and thanked her about 30 times before hanging up again.

    I babysat for about 2 more hours and my mom comes back with another present, a Ford Expedition for my dad ( right about now Im thinking my mom has won the lottery ). Turns out these were our early birthday gifts, and someone helped my mom purchase the car ( some rich friend ) and bought it with cash and my mom will pay her friend back.

    Well its about 12:25 AM and I decided I might post my story. I also put togeather this little picture demonstrating the differance between my old Sony Handycam and my brand new Canon GL2. Enjoy.


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