Agreed. I also miss this show called F.E.A.R. where they'd put people in these extremely haunted places and what not and have them do certain challenges revolving around the ghosts that haunted the places. It was kind of like the modern ghost hunting shows they have now except it was a lot more intense, and actually scary. They did the challenges for money and they were two groups and they'd swap in and out of the safe house every few hours. I heard it was canceled because someone died from one of the challenges . And a lot of the old Nickolodeon shows that were canceled are some of the ones I miss the most. I also miss Boy Meets World, that was such a great show . ZOMG THE NOSTALGIA.
Oh wow lol I completely forgot about FEAR. It was on MTV or something like that. I didnt hear about someone gettin killed on that show but that would be insane.. I know they tried a show like that with celebs. I remember seeing one with the black guy from Ghostbusters. I dont remember his name. But they really toned down on the horror for that. I think its canceled as well. That reminds me of the show Fear Factor. I havent seen it on in forever so Im guessing its been canceled lol. But that show was one of the worst lol. I dunno how noones died off eating some of the stuff on there.
My favorite was I was mad when it didnt come back they left it at an awesome spot and then because of that writers crap it didnt come back on...