I wouldn't really even PUT Chan in this debate myself. He's a totally different.... caliber to the others. Lee and Jaa did a lot of their movies very serious, you know what I mean? Jackie Chan is a comedic action star. That's just my opinion though.
i agree bruce lee rocks jackie chan was his stuntman for a while and moved on to comedies. jet lee made some awesome movies and tony jaa has just started so give tony a couple of years and more movies and well see if we can rate him amongst the best
probably bruce lee ... he was a beast in fighting and he is like the best ever in history in the martial arts
probably burce lee as i dont know tony jackie chan has become a clown thanks to ameria jet li is pretty tough but all that fly in and stuff... chuck norris was actually owned and trained by bruce lee guys its on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqzQ2qrtBeg
I think Bruce Lee wins this one, Jet and Jackie and Jae are good in their own right, but Bruce Lee is in a class of his own. I just saw a clip of the movie where he pwned Chuck Norris, what a great fighting scene that was.
everyone but tony jaa is a dinosaur, hes the new guy and should be respected a such, he can kick more *** faster than any of the other guys >
Jackie at 1, cause he does all the stunts himself, has some funny moves... tho his acting SUCKS. Bruce Lee 2nd, without him most martial arts movies wouldn't exist Jet L 3rd, can do better acting than Jackie, but i like jackie's moves more. Who's Tony Jaa???