Bo Bo Story Of Doom Ep 1-6

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Asuka, Jul 31, 2005.

  1. Asuka

    Asuka Well-Known Member

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    Sep 13, 2004
    Episode 6

    [Its morning the sun has just come up]

    [Bo Bo is laying in a back ally]

    Bo Bo: What feels as thou I've been sleeping forever...

    [Bo Bo hears sounds coming from behind him]

    Bo Bo: Whos there! And... why am I covered in blood...

    [Above Bo Bo sees a cat get thrown out the second floor window above him]

    Bo Bo: Oh well cats him nine lives he will be fine

    [Cat smashes into the pavement behind him]

    Bo Bo: I guess that was his ninth...

    [Bo Bo picks up whats left of the cat walks out of the ally]

    Bo Bo: Now wheres Johnny's house and why ain't I there... and why am I talking to myself?

    [Bo Bo looks at the cat that is bleeding all over his hands]

    Bo Bo: Don't worry Johnny will fix you up good as new when we get back to his house... now if only I knew where I was..

    [Bo Bo sees a cop and walks over to him the cop is turned around and can't see Bo Bo]

    Bo Bo: Hi sir do you think you could help me

    Cop [turning around]: Sure my son.. HOLY crap WHAT ARE you [cop calls in the police cars]

    Bo Bo[hearing the serins]: This can't be good

    [Bo Bo runs down the street still holding the cat that has been smashed in]

    Bo Bo: I have to find Johnny... why am I still talking to myself!

    (please leave comments on my storys)

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