but kenpachi has a whole ------ing lot of spirit power and he's like a human shield, so i have to dissagree
Kenpachi would be alot stronger with a Shikai yes. Tite Kubo said he would like to go into a side story with Kenpachi later on. I doubt he'll ever get Bankai though, because it would be over. He would be able to kill anything.
the Hueco Mundo arc is going to be amazing, i just hope it does not go back into filler after the end of this arc
Do you know what a arc is? its a change in places or villians and right now its both we get to see new villians and they are in Hueco Mondo to save orihime its not all about aizen.. its just like the soul society arc
I know what an arc is, and this whole thing is the aizen arc. If you really feel the Hueco Mondo part is an arc, it would be a subarc of the Aizen arc.