Yeah, can't wait for 117. Haven't read the manga, but I can't wait for who fights who. I'm guessing Grimmjaw Jaggerjack goes against Hitsugaya seeing as how they seem to be the strongest. Should be good. And is it just me or does D-Roy look like he's grinning like Gin?
yeah it was a boring episode they need to bring ichigo to the vizards than it will become interesting
Yeah. All talk and think. No action boo. At least Grimmjaw'll fight in the next episode =) Haven't seen the Vaizards in a while. And they're not any of the targets. Weird, very weird...
Cool episode imo, some cool stuff in it. More of the fights will probaly be showed in the following episodes; think the fight will proceed till episode 120 or w/e. can't wait to see grimmjaw fighting
I do. It's my next fav. Anime/Manga after BECK: TMC and QP. Ulqiorra is my favourite character in Bleach.
Yeah Madarame Ikkakku is 3rd seat of 11th squad, the bald guy. It'll be the first time it will show up in the anime, the next episode is also called somewhat "ikkakku's bankai!". It's not been told in either manga or anime when he achieved it, maybe he does achieve it just at that point, who knows.
Whoa shoot. Ikkaku's bankai? Daaamn, didn't see that one coming... Could he surpass Kenpachi hehe, I wonder...
I don't think so, Kenpachi is one of the most powerfull captains in soul society; especially due his spirit force. Ikkakku is strong, but Kenpachi is stronger without a doubt.