Here we go... Spider-Man 3 (Disappointment) Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Shrek 3 The Simpsons Movie Rush Hour 3 Transformers The Rob Zombie re-make of Halloween Big hits coming up this year. Majorly.
Box office hit: spiderman 3(although was a crap movie) Best movie to see: 300 Movies I wanna see: rush hour 3 and pirates
So far, people are saying that Spiderman 3 will hold it for 2007. I am willing to bet that POTC3 will beat it. Reason I say that, is because Spiderman 3 had to beat POTC2, and ONLY beat it by 2 million dollars, atleast the opening day thing. I'm sorry, as much as I love Simpsons, I don't believe it's going to be a box office hit as far as movies are concerned. I never liked Transformers in the first place, and I don't think it's going to be able to compare with Spiderman 3 , 300, or several other movies. Someone said that Harry Potter and Shrek 3 are going to be movies that kids drag parents to. That is completely false. Shrek has established itself as a family movie and a comedy with some adult references that draw adults to the movie. Harry Potter is also not only a children's movie, as it as well has established itself as a family movie. Harry Potter is just as popular with adults as it is for kids, just in a different way (which would be the reason you see less adults running around in Robes with a magic wand). So, my prediction is that Pirates 3 will beat Spiderman 3 in many of the records.
I really hope that POTC 3 beats SpiderMan 3 in the box-office and I hope Elizabeth marry Jack Sparrow...
My personal favorite will be the first "His Dark Materials" Movie, The Golden Compus. I think this'll rival Harry Potter if its pulled off well, if so then it could become the next big trilogy. For those who havnt read them, read them and you'll know what im speaking about. For those that have, id imagine you've already orgasmed over it
There is going to be loads of good sequals this year. I'm really looking forward to: potc (duh) harry potter ocean's 13 national treasure 2 shrek