I don't know, can't really tell can we. But I think that PotC3 will manage to do it if the first two films are anything to go by. I'm really looking forward to seeing it and hopefully Jack Sparrow will make another brilliant entrance!! So far Spiderman3 is proving to be a blunder....
no if u seen 300 u know its the best movie so far this year spiderman was good but didnt go as good as it should have....
atm... I think its 300 then spiderman and then Im thinking that potc will pull in for spot 3, or beat out spidey for the second spot
For me, 300 was the best movie of 07' at least until another movie comes out and is better than it. But I'm still waiting for PotC 3 to come out. Plus, I really liked Disturbia.
Spiderman is overrated.. Wow.. I still waiting for Priates (I hope it is better than #2 cause #2 was SOOOO bad..) HP (Hoping it's as good as the rest) 2007 havent' really shown much in movies..
I think that Pirates might be able to come close to Spider-man, but definitely I say SM3 is going to be the record holder for those until, well, Spider-man 4
I'm goin with Spider Man 3 because it made about 150 million dollars opening weekend which is a record.
umm, i think the best movie of the year so far was 300 by far. but then pirates of caribean and harry potter didnt come out yet, so we never know.. spiderman 3 wouldnt get that great as everyone wanted because.... well you will know what i mean if you watched the movie.. which was like halfly a love story =\