tbh i only watched it to see Heath Ledger as The Joker and as far as that goes.... he was just simply amazing. He was so good, that if no-one would have revealed Heath played The Joker, nobody woulda ever guessed. His performance = perfection. the rest, for some reason i thought was real boring. maybe because all i payed attention too, was The Joker. :lol: i didn't like Harvey Dent/Two Face, or the guy who played him. and Maggie Gyllenhal (sp?) wasn't a good fit at all. some good/great action sequences throughout.
Just got back from seeing it. Wow, the joker part was amazing. Heith Ledger did an incredible job. The actress playing Harvey Dents girlfriend didn't really fit the role. And everyones voice at the end started to become really deep. but I would give this movie 9.999/10
OMG what an amazing movie. I haven't been to the movies in a long time, but this was worth every penny
Ah my god. I watched this movie in theatres five times already, I can't get enough of it. Favorite part is when the batmobile ejects into a motorcycle.
I can't believe it but I've seen this movie 3 times already lol I think this movie was really good and I absolutley loved Heath Ledger's performance as The Joker, he did a very well done job ^_^ and it's sad that we won't be able to see him portray the Joker again -_-