What Halo scenes did it rip off? According to James Cameron he wrote the script years ago. Now whether they decided to include the supposed similar scenes now is debatable. Even though I still don't know what scenes you're talking about.
Ya I heard the script was written like 15 years ago or something ridiculous like that, but ya this movie is being hyped up a ---- load so i've avoided all of the media, my plan is that if I don't have any expectations for it, it can't fail them lol and i'll just be that much more blown away if it does end up being as good as people are prediciting
i saw "A christmas carol 3D" and it had a 3D preview of avatar. the 3D stuff isnt exactly what i was expecting... it seems like your just looking into layer over layer over another layer. a few months ago i saw sponge bob 3D at paramount canadas wonderland. now that was 3D! everything was popping so far out of the screen you felt like reaching out and grabbing it.
No man, I think its been a few years, i dunno even know lol, since I talked to all those guys. I disappeared for a while. What did you used to go by? It wasn't powershot was it?
I think the people who are saying this is going to fail do not realize that it is James Cameron who wrote this movie. James Cameron, as in the guy who wrote Terminator, Terminator 2, Titanic, Aliens, Rambo 2, The Abyss and produced the above movies as well as Solaris, True Lies and Point Break. Nearly everything this guy touches turns to gold.
Quite literally. He's a profit turner of Michael Bay proportions. I haven't seen this movie, but the fact that every single bit of hype and discussion about this movie is about how lifelike it's special effects are. After reading the plot of the film, I don't really see much potential for great story telling. Since it's practically all CGI it doesn't really matter who the actors are or how good they are, and I personally like movies that use the bare-minimum amount of CGI and effects, as opposed to those that base the entire theme of the movie around them (Transformers, for example).
Just finished watching Avatar in 3D... it is ------ing INSANE 10/10 for CGI, the 3D effects were ------ing sick.. all round one of my top 5 movies of all time. Definately worth the money to see, however after watching it in 3D..I don't think I could bring myself to watch it on DVD.. It was just that good, the subtle use of the 3D in all scenes is pure art and then the 'throw out at you' 3D in the fight scenes and such is top notch. IF YOU HAVN'T SEEN IT..GO SEE IT ASAP WHILE IT'S IN 3D AT CINEMAS ... If you don't want to watch it cause you read a bad review, you watched it and didn't like it for some ------ing retarded reason like: "The helicopters looked too much like Pelicans from Halo".. GO ------ YOURSELF..YOU'RE AN IDIOT Anyway, watch the movie guys...post what you thought of it. I loved every minute..3hours long and I didn't really get bored at all..
So your only reason for calling it one of the best movies of all time is because it's CGI is amazing? I'm sorry thats not a movie, thats a computer game cutscene.