I have B). Also, what's up everyone. Long time, no see. edit: Where did the warning bar go? I remember being so proud about that back in the day.
Warning bar, always a healthy reminder of how valuable we were to the community... bring back irc. just give us one big irc room to idle in for weeks on end..
Agreed. I would love to have an IRC for all of the old regulars to just chill in and shoot the shit. Someone make this happen. SOMEONE DO IT!
Happy birthday! On a similar note, I think that it would be pretty cool to know what happened to people as they got older, since most of us OG people are in there early to late twenties now. So what has everyone been doing with their lives? I graduated college recently, and have been working at a medical office that does clinical trials on new medications that haven't been approved by the FDA yet. Then in May-June I'm going to be applying to medical schools. How about everyone else?
graduated from a respectable university(majored in Quantitative Economics, minored in Statistics and Accounting), and I'm just now starting my career as a business analyst at a large tech firm. I basically shift through mounds of data and make recommendations to senior management on what they should do.
True story. most of the people I work with are in the 50-60 range. I have back pain from sitting in a chair all day. Asian women now look attractive to me. Something terribly wrong has happened.
Graduated from uni with a Commerce degree. Spent 3 months in OCMD. Working full-time as a manager in retail at the moment....and more than likely moving to Canada for 2 years in August...because Ireland's shit! OLD.