Hey Squiffystriker you fool, you DO realise this movie is based off a COMIC BOOK which is in turn only LIGHTLY related to the legend. As for the male nudity...uhmm the true spartans fought naked. so just be glad you didnt see 300 sausages dangling. THIS MOVIE KICKED ASS. best movie i have seen in years, i saw it 4 times in the big screen.
Very very good movie...I like special efects, like whole story and at end I like it very much one of the best movies I watch last few months!
Its the same as HD(just with more memory avaliable), you wont notice too much of a difference(if you do), as long as you have a decent tv. 300 was awesome, did anyone else notice the lambs head when it went past the women in the tent?
It was aiight... No, it was based on the Battle of Thermopylae. This battle really happened, they used the phalanx and all that. But the whole thing with the elephants and giants, and weird creatures is totally fake. A bunch of the movie is historically accurate.
The blue ray version of it is ---- quality. The shadows speckle in and out. Some problem with the encoding apparently. I'll probably pick it up later for HD-DVD.
I saw it the day it came out, and I have to say, I was disappointed. The battle scenes were the only parts I really liked, the rest kinda sucked. Don't get me wrong, great movie, just not up to it's hype IMO
Best film i have seen since Lord Of The Rings TBH... Though the story wasnt GREAT the fighting scenes made up for. Not many films will be 10/10 in everything like LOTR had an EPIC storyline and Very good battle scenes, whereas 300 had EPIC battle scenes but not the most enthralling storyline. My vote was 9.5/10 for this movie... Owned
No, it was based on the Battle of Thermopylae. This battle really happened, they used the phalanx and all that. But the whole thing with the elephants and giants, and weird creatures is totally fake. A bunch of the movie is historically accurate. [/b][/quote] Sorry, let's face facts, the film was based entirely from the Frank Miller comic 300. Yes this drew it's basis from the legend of the 300 Spartans that defended the mountain pass at the Battle of Thermopylae but the film is so heavily gone from reality you have to except the comic was the real basis. As for the elephants, it is easily plausible that Xerxes would have fielded these (albeit not so big, but the idea of the 300 is everything you see is part of the narrative of the one character who is whipping up morale within the troups that are about to once and for all push Xerxes out of Greece) and some of the weirder creatures are based in fact, notably the rhino (obviously made more terrifying) and the executioner (it was not common practice, but common enough to be recorded, that some slaves would have their hands or arms chopped off and replaced by blades or other things that might make them more use as a punishment). As for the comment that the Spartans fought naked, not by that time they didn't. The Spartan army was far more equipped than the film made out; they would have fought with chest armour as well as a light cloth beneath it. However the red cloaks and red "chitons" (i think thats right) about the waist are historically recorded as being the Spartan armies uniform and added to the fear they invoked; the phalanx looked like hundreds of identical men, and when the first line is so formidable it is believable that the rest would be as well. Anyway lol, enough about history, 300 is a totally kick ass film that really, REALLY should not be missed. Personally I would have preferred a film more based off the actual historic battle than the comic, but you have to admit the cinematography the comic version allowed was sheer genius! Even if you are watching a Malaysian VCD version with non-removable Malay and Chinese subtitles, which is so far all I've seen until I can afford the extended DVD in Britain