10 Reasons Why Spider-man 3 Sucked

Discussion in 'Movies' started by .infeQion, May 10, 2007.

  1. .infeQion

    .infeQion Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 15, 2005
    a place i call home
    1. First off, the previews
    Yes, the previews. I know this is PG-13 movie, but naturally parents are going to bring smaller children. It’s Spider-Man for goodness sake. So f.u.c.king-a, why the f.u.c.k would they put a trailer for Hostel 2 in front of this movie while I, among many other people, have a 7-year old with me?

    2. Too many villians/conflicts
    This concerned me from the very beginning. Why is that in a comic movie they feel like they have to throw in every f.u.c.king thing and the kitchen sink? No other action movie does this, but as soon as a superhero steps on the scene so does every villian the writers remembered from their childhood. In this movie we get Spidey vs. New Green Goblin, Spidey vs. Sandman, Spidey/Peter Parker vs. Himself, Peter Parker vs. Eddie Brock, Peter vs. Mary Jane, Spidey vs. Venom. The only thing missing would have been a good ole’ catfight between Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane, which for a minute I thought we were actually going to get.

    3. Too many coincidences
    This is partly due to too many villians. Look, I can suspend belief enough to accept that an alien symbiote would just so happen to crash land right next to Spider-Man. I can suspend belief enough that Flint Marko would just so happen to stumble into a physics testing facility at the exact moment they were testing. But it’s alot to ask me to accept all this and all the other crap I’m supposed to believe happened all at once in one sitting. Throw in that Gwen Stacy just so happens to be in Peter Parker’s science class, and just so happens to be modeling in the building that gets wrecked, and Spider-Man just so happens to save her, and she just so happens to give him the key to the city and she just so happens to be eating at the same restaurant, Eddie Brock just so happens to dating Gwen Stacy..blah,blah, blah.. Sandman just so happens to kill Uncle Ben? This isn’t Lost, motherf.u.c.ker, every character doesn’t have to be “connected” somehow…Aren’t there any other people that live in New York?

    4. And why did it have to be Gwen Stacy?
    Every other female thought Symbiote-Peter was a dick, except Gwen who was also stupid enough to go to a restaurant where his ex-girlfriend was working??

    Seriously. What was the point of introducing her? That character could have been anyone. Having her be Gwen Stacy served no purpose. Don’t tell me they were setting up for another movie, because this was supposed to be the last. If they had had her fall out of the building and Spider-Man accidentally kill her while trying to save her, then THAT would have made sense.

    5. Stan Lee
    Enough already. It was cute the first couple of times, now it’s just distracting.

    6. Bruce Campbell
    See above

    7. James Franco
    Did retardation come with the amnesia? For the longest time, I was thinking that Raimi got something right with the whole vegetable thing, then it hit me that it wasn’t Harry Osbourne that went veg. It was Flash Thompson. James Franco just sucks.

    8. Peter plays the piano
    Seriously, this is the point I wanted to leave. As if the whole Peter transformation wasn’t bad enough (Is that what I’m supposed to believe? The symbiote makes you re-comb your hair and turns you into a whiny emo kid?) The whole piano playing/bar dance was just so f.u.c.king stupid I even said it out loud. The woman sitting next to me looked over and as I was about to apologize, she said, “No kidding”.

    9. Crying
    I had read there was a lot of crying but even knowing that going in I wasn’t prepared for the amount of tears shed in this movie. Everybody in this movie cries. Everyone. Some even cry multiple times. I’ve got no problems with a character crying, but if Peter/Spider-Man cries everytime Mary Jane looks at him strange it takes away any impact it has when he cries because his best friend dies. At that point we know he’s just a bitch that will cry about anything. Of course he’s going to cry when Harry dies. He funking cried because his apartment door wouldn’t open. And I have to wonder…can “Loel” not even cry on command? For his crying scene he did the “turn your back and talk” schtick and when he turned back around he had soap-opera tears on his cheek.

    10. Boring and too long
    I don’t mind long movies, but overall Spider-Man 3 was just plain boring. I didn’t care one way or the other. I caught myself staring at the ceiling a few times wondering how much longer until it would be over.

  2. ShneakySquirrel

    ShneakySquirrel Well-Known Member

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    Jun 13, 2006
    Valencia, California
    I thought it was a great movie. If you read the comic book, you would understand why Gwen is there... and all that good stuff.

    I do agree that there was no need to add Sandman... that was more or less just an excuse for him to fall more into depression, and let the venom inside himself take over.
  3. l0nleystranger

    l0nleystranger Well-Known Member

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    Feb 22, 2006
    Yeah, personally I liked the movie. I read the comics and everything did tie in together to me at least.

    The only bad thing about it I would say was probably the camera moving wayyy to much during that scene when he first get the venom on him. Not as in moving like up and down, side to side, but literally just shaking the camera, like that guy who was holding it was vibrating or something.
  4. .infeQion

    .infeQion Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 15, 2005
    a place i call home
    i didn't like the movie all that much, when our Econ/Finance Class had a free day and we watched Spider-Man 3. and my god theres more sappy romance than anything else along with the fact that the movie is never ending and yes i did think it was disappointing, along with the rest of my class.
  5. Sakon_Ukon

    Sakon_Ukon Well-Known Member

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    Feb 14, 2007
    I agree. I enjoyed the movie. Some of your thing aren't really true unless you read the comics. Everyone has rights to state their own opinion so who am i to criticize someone.
  6. madmav

    madmav Well-Known Member

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    Jan 17, 2005
    Haunting Gamerenders
    The usage of "funking" killed that for me.
  7. FM Gus

    FM Gus Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 16, 2005
    Scotland the Brave! Sunny Scotland! Home of the wo
    Probably will be one of the best movies released this year, awards wise anyway, you know the kinda cheesey films the raters like.
  8. spaz4tw

    spaz4tw Senior Member

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    Sep 10, 2006
    rami didnt do the best job because sony or whoever was in charge made him put venom in when he didnt want to add him. and will you people stop flaming spiderman its so annoying i see this everywhere, lets see you make a better movie than
  9. Nicasus

    Nicasus Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 28, 2005
    So what?
    Seriously, anyone can come up with 10 bad points about any movie.
  10. Abgrund

    Abgrund Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 31, 2007
    I agree with you infeqion, not a very good movie at all. it was funny though, every yelled emo in the movie theaters when Peter did his hair. :P
  11. PhanE

    PhanE Well-Known Member

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    Oct 16, 2006
    #3 is the best reason IMO i liked it but 3 put movies into a different perspective for me like hte 'coincidences' that happens in movies like these
  12. lykos

    lykos Senior Member

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    Nov 24, 2006
    First Stair, Top Floor
    i liked the movie alot but disliked it alot too ... its because i watch a comic movie from 2 stand points movie goer and comic fan ... movie goer side said hell yeah really great movie while comic side said they ------ing changed way too much and skipped over some of the other bad guys ... like wait WHO THE ------ IS GWEN? i will tell you she is a replacement for black cat aka Felicia "Party" Hardy (super hawt btw and i dont say that about alot of comic/anime girls , yet gwen was ugly as hell) and what about her ex boyfriend Morbius, the Living Vampire , who was mad that peter was stealing her away from him (peter in the Symbiote) .... and wth where was lizard-man he was there but he hadnt become lizzard-man he was still the same old teacher ... and alot of other stuff they striper from the comic ...

    anyway breaking it down movier goer side = hell yeah comic book side = ... wtf

    Merged Post:

    ------ i forgot some of the other good points why it sucked (for comic fans) they never killed off vemon in the comic ... vemon had his own spin off comic after like the 3-4th time he fought spiderman and relized what he was doing and become ------ good ... they didnt kill harry this earlier ... in this movie he was the green goblin thats how he was at the start of the comic when he became a bad guy too they didnt change that but he never died ... after that he became the HOBGOBLIN damn it then he got hurt and then we find out his dad really didnt die ... and thats when harry gets killed by a ? person in the green goblin suit *it was his dad naw ----*
  13. i will siu you

    i will siu you Well-Known Member

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    Apr 28, 2007
    i agree with you on 2, 3, 4, and 10. Overall this movie was a total letdown and the trailer was very misleading. I went into the theatre anticipating some dark hardcore movie but instead Sam gives us this crappy lil kids comedy. And btw, it wasnt even good at doing that either.

    AND OH YEAH, the time peter cried when harry died, everyone in the theatre was laughing. so what does this tell you?
  14. .infeQion

    .infeQion Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 15, 2005
    a place i call home
  15. glarbadorth

    glarbadorth Well-Known Member

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    Apr 13, 2007
    Lol you bitch way too much, but it's so true. #3 has been brought up a bunch of times, but think about it, that's happened for every super hero/ super villain in every series...

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