
Discussion in 'Signatures' started by Kratos, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. Kratos

    Kratos Well-Known Member

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    Dec 18, 2004
    North Dakota
    Okay, comment and critic, no rate pls, I hate seeing ratings on sigs.
    I want some good comments, "nice" "cool" and stuff like that is not a good comment. I want some advices, where did I made a mistake, what should I fix etc.

  2. Ryzuma

    Ryzuma Active Member

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    Dec 28, 2009
    the c4d kinda stands out a tthe bottom adn teh background looks like it doesnt rly fit to me
  3. Proximity-HazeD

    Proximity-HazeD Well-Known Member

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    Apr 18, 2006
    Well Ryzuma is on to something.

    Your render does stand out completely to much, you always want your render to look like it's apart of the background and your effects, but still
    staying the most noticable of the 3.

    Next your text, it's way to in the open and by it self your drawing away the attention of your render.

    When your making a tag you need to learn to create a sort of "flow" in the signature. In order to do this you need to know that you can use 5 things to
    accomplish that task:

    Effects, depth, text, background, and render/render placement.

    You want all of these to flow together in harmony, when you do this you create a peice of art that makes a persons eye stop to glance.
    When a person stops to glance at your artwork you want a point on the art work which is most noticable and is attractive to the eye.
    This specific point is called a "focal point". Usually your render is your focal point, as it is in your signature that you posted, but the difference is, you tried
    to make it the focal point by fading the background around it. You want the render to sit in the background as if it were actually there ( ie. my current tags )
    So you need to use blurring effects, color and lighting and objects to help this transition. Keep the render and the background the same "color" but enough
    difference to make the render stand out just a little bit, then add effects like the c4d behind and in front of the render without over whelming and drowning
    the render in the effects.

    Also a larger canvas might help you out a little bit try 400x100 or 500x120.

    So how can you make this look better?

    First get rid of the c4d you placed in there, it's completely out of place and doesn't fit the color scheme.
    Next Take the background and bring it back to the original opacity, and if you want leave the bottom of the buildings kind of faded to give it
    a smokey effect, but try to picture what a smokey look would look like don't just lighten up the BG and erase it and hope it looks good.

    Now you need to create a light source, take a 60px SOFT WHITE BRUSH, and put the opacity to about 20% and make sure about half of the brush is
    off of the canvas lightly add the brush in the same position without moving the brush. Then change the layer option to overlay, lighten or screen which
    ever looks the best, or if you do the brush correctly just leave it on normal. Incase your asking where to put the light source you'd want to put it somewhere
    on the bottom of the signature. (also if the brush ends up being to big you shouldn't have to go past 40px)

    Then take the text and place it under her chin, and have it fade out of the lighting.

    After that post up a new version and let me see what you did :D

    I hope this was the kind of comment you were looking for :) and I hope I helped you and didn't confuse you lol :P
  4. Jyorei

    Jyorei Well-Known Member

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    Sep 17, 2005
    Proximity's comment got it down pat! :)

    I planned on saying that if you wanted to keep the c4d, then try to find a way where it doesn't interfere with such a busy background.

    Also, don't reduce opacity to make it seem 'less busy', cause it's still a city scene in the background. Like proximity says, try blurring it at full opacity so the girl stands out, but still feels as if she's part of the city.

    Just some adjustments(proximity listed them) and you're set!
  5. Kratos

    Kratos Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 18, 2004
    North Dakota
    Thank you all for the advice you provided me this is exactly what i wanted to hear and couldn't have gotten it any better from you all ^_^ I'm going to start work on it and re post when i'm done = )

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