The Law

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by clayface, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. clayface

    clayface Well-Known Member

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    Feb 10, 2009
    Hi. So I was in class today and we were talking about alcohol and DUI, and I came an analogy that I think is appropriate.

    Now, I don't drink (and I don't get into cars with someone who's drunk because I'm not f*cken retarded). So I don't really have any authority over what I'm saying.

    But my friend told me in a mock drunk, mock high-pitch voice that when he's drunk, "Everyone's BEAUTIFUL!". Of course, he was joking. But I believe that everyone has a right to feel that way, and I believe that if someone under 21 has an occasional drink (whether he be 20 and a day before his birthday, 18, 16, or even 14), that it's perfectly fine or even healthy.

    Just like downloading mp3's off limewire, it's illegal but a lot of people do it anyway. I am all for supporting the artists that create the music that I love and cherish (even if they're dead and don't get the money I spend on their albums). But, sh*t, I'm not going to drop $500 (and up) for my music collection (not saying that I didn't ;)).

    SO I guess I could have just typed what I'm about to type:

    Is it acceptable to bend the law? Discuss.


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  2. Sock

    Sock Well-Known Member

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    Aug 4, 2005
    I'm going to steer this a bit differently, I'm sorry. Your question is an interesting one, and we will see some good discussion from this, I'm sure. Although your post lacks a bit of backing substance, the question still hits hard, and we've seen the likes of it before, but it's always thought-provoking.

    Anyways, there are laws in place that actually say if a law goes unenforced, it's effectively no longer considered a "law." These are intended to protect against arbitration and poor laws. Unfortunately (and also paradoxically, fortunately) it is flimsy and doesn't always hold-up among the law enforcement and legal system.

    Similarly, you'll notice bylaws are "bent" and "broken." This is mostly because they're sometimes too specific for their own good, and must be broken. This happens with building codes (particularly in rural areas) very much.

    So when it comes to "bending" and "breaking" laws like the above, it's generally an acceptable action.

    However, laws such as drunk driving and illegal downloading exist for very good reasons.

    Drunk Driving: I really hope this one isn't contested. It's dangerous, it's proven. It's still broken because people don't wish to be inconvenienced. It's unavoidable, but the law helps keep many from doing it and it helps save lives.

    Underaged Drinking: I should say "Underaged Alcohol Abuse," which is born mostly from idiotic laws. We've made it forbidden which has led to so much more abuse by the young ones. Drinking is fun, yes, but the people now see it as some sort of Godly substances, ejaculated and mixed from the tits of Mary and the Dick of Jesus. By being more lax on these laws, it's been shown around the world that the abuse is much lower. It's a situation I'm not sure is fixable, and because a lot of people engage in illegal underaged drinking (most, I'm sure), there's no stopping it. I don't know how we can handle this without seeing the idiot teenagers rape themselves.

    Illegal downloading: It is stealing, but I have a tough time with this one... because it's who you're stealing from. Through royalties, with a 16 dollar album, the artist who actually performs/writes the song, they make about 80 cents. The label goes home with most the money. It's the live performances that the performers get, so they don't actually mind illegal sharing that much, as it's great publicity for them (although they still speak against it). Again, it's unavoidable.
  3. clayface

    clayface Well-Known Member

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    Feb 10, 2009
    Hi Sock. Glad you took the time to write a meaningful response.

    No problem dude. In my eyes a discussion doesn't go in one direction unless you need it to. And in any case you didn't steer it a bit differently at all (you drunk b*stard get away from the wheel). :tongue:

    Underage drinking and illegal music downloads are cracked down on (remember the Napster suing spree?), but maybe not as much as they should be (or shouldn't be).

    Okay, but I don't think that's an appropriate analogy because building codes become out of date. Underage drinking and piracy are relevant and not in danger of becoming obsolete anytime soon. The things you were talking about have an expiration date (even if it's not a specific one). And also, just because you can't enforce a law doesn't mean it shouldn't exist (not saying I agree, and I know only jerks say they're 'just playing devil's advocate', but I am).

    Not contested. I was talking <strike>mostly</strike> only about underage drinking and piracy.

    I disagree that this should be a reason a law should be abolished. You probably agree with me, though, that it is a reason that a law should be modified. I also disagree about the amount of underage drinkers who abuse just because abuse is forbidden, but that is a whole new debate that we should avoid.

    Most of the artists that I listen to are not financially in need. Some of them have bling bling bigger than my house. When you buy a song or an album you aren't donating money you are supporting your artist. This is why I said that even if an artist is dead his work should still be paid for. Are they going to add decorations to his tombstone? No. It's about respect. Additionally, I think supporting a record label is the same as supporting the music that they produce. Their commercialism (or materialism) is another issue that I can gripe about but it's not a reason to steal from them.


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  4. Sock

    Sock Well-Known Member

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    Aug 4, 2005
    Another good bylaw I just thought of that's not being enforced:

    In Alberta here, our smoking laws are not enforced around here. And they are strict laws. It doesn't happen in bars and inside buildings, but it happens around a lot of other areas, too. And this is a really recent bylaw, too.

    And I don't think you understood what I was saying, exactly, it's my fault for being ambiguous I guess, sorry lol. I didn't mean to create an analogy, I was merely providing some examples of laws that are often bent and broken.

    I definately do agree on a lot of your other points though, and yeah the label's greed is a complaint for a different day lol.

    I plan to become a lawyer... but I'm still just a senior in highschool, so I still have lots of studying to do in this department. I love talking about it, though!
  5. xenoth

    xenoth Member

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    Jan 27, 2009
    i think you can bend them. just not to durasticly
  6. BetaMerc

    BetaMerc Well-Known Member

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    Mar 6, 2006
    Walk in the Street, go to the sewer, go down, to t

    bend like this or.. ?
  7. falcon punch

    falcon punch Well-Known Member

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    Aug 18, 2008
    what the hell
  8. clayface

    clayface Well-Known Member

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    Feb 10, 2009
    Funny man. Well, not so much bending as outright breaking.

    Now that we've defined what I mean, what do you think about the TOPIC? :mellow:


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  9. cvf4

    cvf4 Active Member

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    Feb 10, 2009
    Sometimes breaking the law is a necessity. Think of Gandhi. He once said the following

    Also don't forget Martin Luther King Jr. and other freedom fighters.

    Laws are guidelines. They are not meant to deal with every case that may appear, just the majority of them.
  10. clayface

    clayface Well-Known Member

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    Feb 10, 2009
    That's great, I didn't even think of that. respect ;)


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  11. BetaMerc

    BetaMerc Well-Known Member

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    Mar 6, 2006
    Walk in the Street, go to the sewer, go down, to t

    i think they are bendable but they are also breakable. Also i hate cops, I was just stopped by them asking me for id. I asked for a badge number first, told him i know my rights and my brother in the marines explained to me all my rights, and sir, you cannot search me. So he left me alone. I don't have a brother in the Marines, haha. Lovely huh?\

    Edit: I didn't show ID, only thing I provided him with was my hospital card and my insurance card, which are easy to fake.
  12. inverse

    inverse Banned from GR

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    Apr 8, 2007
    New Zealand
    I've been drinking since I was 15 (just like almost every other persion I know). Doesn't do any harm, so f*ck what the law says.
  13. clayface

    clayface Well-Known Member

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    Feb 10, 2009
    I don't really respect people who hate cops. It's no different than hating soldiers, really.


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  14. BetaMerc

    BetaMerc Well-Known Member

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    Mar 6, 2006
    Walk in the Street, go to the sewer, go down, to t

    Hell NO!
    I hate the cops. I wanted to be a marine but I couldn't because of migraines, I'm simply disqualified. I respect every soldier I know, whether your a Navy, Army or Marine or any other branch. I just don't stand the police.

    Like I said ,they stopped me for no reason and I shut them down, because I know how to do it. If I was just another person they would've provided their stuff w/o knowing their rights. I even ------ around with cops. Thats how much I hate them. I once acted drunk on a store where there was 4 policemen's in. I had a brown bag (if you live in the city, everytime you buy a drink from a store, you'll get a brown small bag that fits the bottle) and a bottle of pepsi inside it, but since I was "acting" drunk, they stopped me and decided to run a whole bunch of tests on me. ABC backwards, I failed, and so did he when he noticed I was sober and ------ing around with them. He didn't like it, but there was nothing he could do about it.

    Maybe it has to do with where I live. The Bronx.
  15. clayface

    clayface Well-Known Member

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    Feb 10, 2009


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