President Barrack Obama

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nanSTA, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. TAD. Zolo

    TAD. Zolo Well-Known Member

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    Oct 25, 2006
    Saw on the news this morning, two more people arrested for trying to kill Obama. They said they were going to dress up in white top hats and white suits. See, that's the racism. There have been like what, 5 attempts now? I'm not trying to be racist here, but, it looks like there are going to be so many attempts. It's annoying though, I feel most of the election was about race this year, so, many didn't look at the issues...

    Side note:
    I really doubt Obama is going to be able to go through with all his ideas.
  2. AG Mountaineer

    AG Mountaineer Well-Known Member

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    Dec 19, 2006
    Wheeling, WV
    Not really. Maybe I should stoop to your level of intelligence and say you "voted for Obama because you love the Democrats." Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and if this wasn't the case then America wouldn't be a democracy. He has conservative views, you have liberal views, and that's the way it is. Not everyone is going to be in agreeance all the time. Thats just the way humans are.
  3. Cloud

    Cloud Well-Known Member

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    May 20, 2005
    Notice you didn't challenge any of my views...

    I am not a republican and I never will be. I have conservative views but they have fallen way off base with there --- war neo con ways building an American Empire that I can not tolerate. Willing to sacrifice our freedoms for what they call security.

    I am currently a member of the Constitution Party and I support: Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr mostly.

    McCain would keep the scope of the government expand the military even more and keep most of the failed Bush policies in place. I want to limit the federal government and end all the Bureaucracies that we waste money on.

    I am anti-war unlike most of the republicans:

    reiterate a bit:

    "The essential principles of our government, and consequently which ought to shape its administration,…peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." Thomas Jefferson-First Inaugural Address. Bergh 3:321. (1801.)

    "America has abstained from interference in the concerns of others, even when the conflict has been for principles to which she clings....She goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own." (John Quincy Adams, Speech Delivered in Washington DC 04 July 1821)

    Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor, or caprice?" (George Washington's Farewell Address)

    We should not be in Iraq and we should not have 700+ military bases world wide. Even Barack Obama has a planed withdrawl instead of actually ending the war. We will see how much his withdrawl plan changes as he takes office.

    I believe that peace, freedom, and prosperity are possible. With sound money, limited government, and utmost respect for individuals rights. I support the Revolution and Campaign for Liberty. Until more people realize this we will be stuck in a cycle with corrupt leaders, and failed policies from both parties who offer nothing.
  4. Kirz

    Kirz Well-Known Member

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    Nov 1, 2005
    In your closet, watching you sleep.
    That's old news. Those two guys were either last week or the week before. And they also planned to kill 99 other black people. 12 of whom were going to be decapitated. They didn't have the means to do most of it. To get the guns, etc. that they were going to use, they were going to rob a ------ing federal gun dealer like dumbasses.
  5. .//XeN-

    .//XeN- Well-Known Member

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    Sep 18, 2005
    @Cloud and partially AG Mountaineer:

    I didn't bother challenging your views because I don't actually give a ----. I may disagree with most of them but I gave up on trying to change people's political/religious/OS opinions a long time ago because almost everyone is stuck in their views once they have made them and if they can be bothered debating them they are unlikely to change them.

    My post was mainly to point out the fact that you fitted one of the criteria for Dem's 3 reasons why people voted Mccain.

    Jeez, everyone jump me because I don't like the old white guy
  6. steez

    steez Banned from GR

    Likes Received:
    Dec 21, 2007
    palm beach, florida
    gentlemen, you realize nader should have won now, correct?
  7. supaafly

    supaafly Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2008
    hes kinda of not the president yet, still another 2 and a half months


    GO BUSH!
  8. TAD. Zolo

    TAD. Zolo Well-Known Member

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    Oct 25, 2006
    Well yeah they're all too stupid to actually do it. Guess I didn't pay attention to it until this morning.
  9. bluefalcon_ad

    bluefalcon_ad Well-Known Member

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    Apr 15, 2006
    Where's classical liberalism when we need it. :(
  10. Cloud

    Cloud Well-Known Member

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    May 20, 2005
    I don't think anyone likes the old white guy lol

    I also can't believe that Barack said, "U.S. Constitution Reflects the Fundamental Flaw of this Country that Continues to this Day."

    I don't even have words to describe this...
  11. .Statik

    .Statik Well-Known Member

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    Dec 13, 2005
    I just cant believe how people could even think to vote for another republican after what has happened that last few years. I just hope Obama will be able to climb out of the huge whole left behind.
  12. Mortified Penguin

    Mortified Penguin Senior Member

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    Sep 28, 2006
    Why is there so many arguments here? What's done is done. Stop bitching about what you would have rather happened because - in case you didn't notice - it hasn't and will never happen.
  13. bluefalcon_ad

    bluefalcon_ad Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 15, 2006
  14. ferret

    ferret Well-Known Member

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    Mar 5, 2005
    United States
    Well, the world's going to hell. We've got the Kojacks in town and the KKK is having a rally down the street tomorrow. I've seen blacks shouting "Black Power, we've got a black man in the White House, this is a victory for blacks everywhere!" and I've seen some rednecks continue to spout off about how a black Muslim who wasn't even born here has turned us into the United Islamic States of America. Stupidity has reigned this week; I've laughed hard.

    I knew he would win. I expected more of a landslide in the popular vote, however.

    The popular vote was rather close; I hope he keeps that in mind when he starts talking about his "mandate." Though, Bush used his less-than-1% victory as a mandate back in 2004; the cynic in me says Obama will do the same.

    I do have some concerns about who he associated with. You cannot tell me he sat under Mr. Wright's teaching for 20 years and ignored it. His connections with the Weathermen are less than commendable. However, everybody's got their associations. I'll reserve my judgment until I see some real actions from him (which, less than two years in the Senate aside, he has done little of).

    I agree with him on most social issues. I don't think he goes far enough on gay marriage though; I believe that we should allow the same rights to gay couples as we do to straights. Civil unions are not that. Like it or not, you do not go to a church to get a marriage license. If that church does not wish for gays to marry in it, fine. That does not mean that gays do not have a right to marry.

    I don't like his "I will put the Assault Weapons Ban back in place within 90 days of taking office" bit, either. The ban does absolutely nothing to stop crime; in fact, I believe gun crime went up during Clinton's term. Don't quote me though; that may be an NRA statistic. I do know it has in DC since they enacted their handgun ban in the 70s, however. Either way, all it does is keep firearms out of the hands of law abiding citizens (you know, the guys that aren't the problem?). Abortion and gay marriage, I personally believe to be the role of the states to legislate. However, those states should read the Constitution and recognize the laws and contracts of the others if they choose to ban those issues; it's in there, despite what God's Country says.

    Redistribution of wealth: no. I work for my money. I would like to keep it. I don't agree with giving my money to somebody that is going to sit on his ass and watch his (brand new, taxpayer funded) plasma TV instead of going out and trying to find a job. Yes, I understand jobs are hard to find, especially now. But a job at McDonald's is better than none at all.

    Graduated tax system: no. I personally believe we should pull a Ross Perot and do a 10 (or was it 11?)% tax on everybody. That would place the same burden on somebody that makes 20,000 a year as it does somebody that makes 200,000 a year. And if the government can't do its job on 10% of our money, some stuff needs to go (like the billions-per-month Iraq war, maybe?).

    National healthcare: if it gives us the same (or similar) program that Congress gets, I'm for it. Funding would be a problem, though; look at Hawaii. I do hope I've got the option to go to a private doctor as well.

    "Fairness" doctrine: no. Especially since it won't really apply to his fanboys in the media.

    His civil defense force idea: Sounds a lot like a certain failed state I can think of (the USSR, which had two separate everything; Red Army/Interior Ministry troops, etc.). It's a waste of money, considering the state national guards would do the same thing. All it would do was lessen the funding our military needs (though, Obama's no friend of them; their funding is getting cut either way).

    As for Iraq: a responsible pullout like he's suggesting is the way to go. It was wrong to go, and we need to disentangle ourselves while we can. 16 months plus a small presence after is plenty of time. More troops need to go to Afghanistan, which should have been the real battleground of the War on Terror. He is for that, which is good.

    I have a feeling that he will f*ck up the economy crisis, however. Government money into that system is not the way to go. It needs to fix itself; we've seen that $700bil doesn't do a whole lot to instill confidence in the markets, and his election didn't do much either. The less government involvement, the better. I do agree on more regulations on the system, however. Had Congress renewed Reagan's mortgage reforms back in 1999, most of this (actually, I daresay this entire collapse) could have been prevented. The problem goes as far back as Carter, and it's going to take some good laws to fix it -- I hope he does what is right (without the help of jackasses like Barney Frank, but he will probably [and unfortunately] play a major role). In his defense, there's not a whole lot that can really be done besides regulations; McCain would have screwed it up just as bad, I think. However, he can do the easy thing and blame Bush (though it's not really his fault).

    The Congress that failed to renew Reagan's reforms was a Republican one. The Congress that failed to see the need to renew them when Bush and company sounded the alarm back in 2004 was Democrat. The blame lies on both sides of the aisle, folks. But forget that; everybody deserves a house (even those that cannot really pay for it). (No, I'm not saying that not everybody deserves a place to live. I am saying that you deserve a place that you can pay for, and if an apartment is what you can afford, you need to get an apartment).

    Final thoughts:

    For those who say that the Democrats will bring change, think of this: they've had Congress for two years now -- they've had plenty of opportunity. Bush's biggest mistake (and one that probably cost the Republicans the election) was trying to pander to people that would continue to hate him even after he tried to throw them a bone/work with them.

    I do think that if Obama can accomplish half of what he said, he would be lucky. Contrary to popular belief, he does not sh*t rainbows.

    Again, I'll reserve my judgment on the guy until after he starts doing some real work, "office of the President Elect" .gov site nonwithstanding.
  15. bluefalcon_ad

    bluefalcon_ad Well-Known Member

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    Apr 15, 2006
    ^ I agree with both the graduated tax and redistribution of wealth. I do sense another Carter coming, though. I don't know why, but for some odd reason I cannot help but feel that when these ideas are implemented, nothing necessarily good will happen.

    Not supporting McCain either. In fact, I do want the two party system to be done away with. We swing back and forth against certain tweaks and turns on the same old ideals that did, inevitably, get this country into a lot of unnecessary problems. I'm not even talking about the Iraq War, either.

    If this truly is a land of opportunity, then I feel all parties should have just as much of a chance out there than anything else. Blah... too much is going on for me to even begin to pinpoint the amount of problems around here. Hope has always been in people's eyes for decades...hope for change that I honestly doubt cannot occur if you are either Democrat or Republican and meandering over established beliefs rather than taking the immense risk and implement new ones.

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