President Barrack Obama

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nanSTA, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. Neuron

    Neuron Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 22, 2007
  2. diverseartist

    diverseartist Well-Known Member

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    Mar 4, 2007
    You know I was watching the Obama speech....

    ...wheres the BOOM HEADSHOT moment?

    ps: obamas so iLL
  3. Shaggy

    Shaggy Administrator Staff Member

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    Apr 23, 2004

    Yea, thats it Dem.. I didn't vote for him because he was black?? Are you seriously going to believe that??
  4. dementia

    dementia Well-Known Member

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    May 21, 2005
    Way to avoid the other 2 choices entirely as well as the entire post.

    I may as well have just said:


    Because that is all you guys seem to see.
  5. Shaggy

    Shaggy Administrator Staff Member

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    Apr 23, 2004
    Well none of those other choice where the reason I didn't vote for him either. I don't like his stance on things. That is why.
  6. dementia

    dementia Well-Known Member

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    May 21, 2005
    So you can say you don't like change?

    You would prefer to be the root problem for a global economic crisis and prefer to live in a nation where ones ability to make their own decisions is demising more and more? Personally that's not a nation I want to live in, and its exactly what McCain / Palin would have in plan. McCain was essentially Bush in a different skin, and frankly, 8 years of Bush was plenty, it shouldn't have even come to a second term... too bad the democratic runner during the 04 elections was also equally as bad.

    I think the statistics showing that a first time runner who is relatively new to politics and known as being the most liberal senator at the moment going against a polished, experienced republican politician with a great reputation and yet still pulling one of the largest land slide wins for election shows plenty as to what the populace of the US believes is best.
  7. Shaggy

    Shaggy Administrator Staff Member

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    Apr 23, 2004

    Well, I am honestly happy that I have witnessed history and I hope Obama does well as the new President. <<<< This is my stance now, its the only stance anyone can take now ;)
  8. inverse

    inverse Banned from GR

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    Apr 8, 2007
    New Zealand
    Hopefully Obama doesn't get assassinated. I really can't be f*cked trying to remember that other VP guy's name.
  9. Evilchiwawa

    Evilchiwawa Well-Known Member

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    Aug 26, 2005
    Germany - USA born
    I agree, all we can do now is sit back and watch. I think things should be alright though.

    About the whole "you just voted for Obama because he's black" thing.. (or didn't vote):
    there are loads of people voting for McCain almost ONLY because he appeals to Christianity. I'm just saying that there were blind voters on both sides.
  10. pianoman0723

    pianoman0723 Well-Known Member

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    Apr 2, 2006
    Thank you, Shaggy! I noticed all my conservative friends saying that, and I thought it was really cool. The conservative lost, and there's nothing anyone can do about that. The mature thing to do is to accept that, and just hope Obama will be good. He's an extremely intelligent, genuine man, so I don't think anyone has any reason to fear his administration.
  11. Cloud

    Cloud Well-Known Member

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    May 20, 2005
    Reasons I didn't vote for Obama:

    1. He doesn't share my fundamental view that everyone has the right to life including the unborn he voted against a ban on protecting babies who survive an abortion.
    2. His judgment on the people he associates with for numbers of years Aryes, Wright ect... At one point he supported and said he couldn't turn on Wright then all of a sudden he leaves Church because of pressure.
    3. His experience a 4 years in the senate 2 of which he was running for president.
    4. Voting present 100+ times on tough issues because he couldn't take a stance on something
    5. Increasing taxes
    6. He doesn't share my view that people don't need the government to take care of them from cradle to grave. Government should be smaller IRS, dpt. of education, and tons of other bureaucracies should be cut.
    7. I don't believe as of now that he is even eligible to be president based on the fact of him hiding his birth records. (Hopefully that changes and he will be cleared of that)
    8. Gun Control I believe that we all have the right to own guns and Obama surely feels different about this.
    9. Spreading the wealth and fairness doctrine. He knows that by raising the capital gains tax that, that will decrease revenue because companies will try to find loopholes to hide there money. For fact lower taxes open people up to expose more of there income this is fact from the Regan years. I believe you should keep what you earn and shouldn't be forced to have money taking from your paycheck to pay for poor people to do drugs. If you want to do out of the kindess of your own heart you can.
    10. He wants this feed the planet tax so our taxes go up so we provide more aid to poor countries. This seems nice but we have no choice our money is being taken from us.
    11. Change I hear so much about change but I don't agree with any of it.
    12. His stance on the war, I believe we shouldn't even be there. We shouldn't have 700+ military bases around the world. Nation building and policing the world is not our job. We live in an Empire and are spending billions on our military we don't have the money for this. We spend money on bombs to blow up iraqi bridges then we spend money fixing them it makes no sense:
    Our foreign policy has some called blow back were the things we do come back and bite us in the butt. We used to support Osama Bin Laden agaisn't the Russians providing money and guns and know we have a massive man hunt from him. Friends one day enemies the next. How would we feel if China or Russia was building military bases near us we would be outraged. I believe the world can solve some of its own problems and we shouldn't be in entangling alliances we should talk and trade with countries.

    That is why I will never support Obama not because he is Black. Thank you!
  12. Evilchiwawa

    Evilchiwawa Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 26, 2005
    Germany - USA born
    Cloud, I respect your opinion. I do so because you state it plainly, and completely fairly. I respect that =)

    I cant vote yet, but if I could.. I would have voted for Obama. My main reason is that disaster would have been only one unfortunate accident away: Palin. My second reason is that I disliked how the rupublican party has dealt with things in the past. I would rather risk the change, than hope and pray that McCain isn't exactly the same as Bush once he gets into office.

    Also, I second your 12th statement. o_O
  13. Cloud

    Cloud Well-Known Member

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    May 20, 2005
    Thanks. The only reason I voted for McCain because he lined up with my views a bit more, but tbh I didn't like him at all and I can't blaim you Bush screwed things up. I think I will be voting third party mostly unless Ron Paul somehow gets the Republican nomination in 2012.

    Another problem we have is Panzy Congressman who go with the norm so they get reelected. Like the Patriot Act people didn't want to seem anti-terrorist so they voted away some of our rights to privacy. I just hope Congressman will vote there hearts and not support Obama blindly just because its popular.
  14. .//XeN-

    .//XeN- Well-Known Member

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    Sep 18, 2005
    Reasons I didn't vote for Obama:

    1. He doesn't share my fundamental view that everyone has the right to life including the unborn he voted against a ban on protecting babies who survive an abortion.
    2. His judgment on the people he associates with for numbers of years Aryes, Wright ect... At one point he supported and said he couldn't turn on Wright then all of a sudden he leaves Church because of pressure.
    3. His experience a 4 years in the senate 2 of which he was running for president.
    4. Voting present 100+ times on tough issues because he couldn't take a stance on something
    5. Increasing taxes
    6. He doesn't share my view that people don't need the government to take care of them from cradle to grave. Government should be smaller IRS, dpt. of education, and tons of other bureaucracies should be cut.
    7. I don't believe as of now that he is even eligible to be president based on the fact of him hiding his birth records. (Hopefully that changes and he will be cleared of that)
    8. Gun Control I believe that we all have the right to own guns and Obama surely feels different about this.
    9. Spreading the wealth and fairness doctrine. He knows that by raising the capital gains tax that, that will decrease revenue because companies will try to find loopholes to hide there money. For fact lower taxes open people up to expose more of there income this is fact from the Regan years. I believe you should keep what you earn and shouldn't be forced to have money taking from your paycheck to pay for poor people to do drugs. If you want to do out of the kindess of your own heart you can.
    10. He wants this feed the planet tax so our taxes go up so we provide more aid to poor countries. This seems nice but we have no choice our money is being taken from us.
    11. Change I hear so much about change but I don't agree with any of it.
    12. His stance on the war, I believe we shouldn't even be there. We shouldn't have 700+ military bases around the world. Nation building and policing the world is not our job. We live in an Empire and are spending billions on our military we don't have the money for this. We spend money on bombs to blow up iraqi bridges then we spend money fixing them it makes no sense:
    Our foreign policy has some called blow back were the things we do come back and bite us in the butt. We used to support Osama Bin Laden agaisn't the Russians providing money and guns and know we have a massive man hunt from him. Friends one day enemies the next. How would we feel if China or Russia was building military bases near us we would be outraged. I believe the world can solve some of its own problems and we shouldn't be in entangling alliances we should talk and trade with countries.

    That is why I will never support Obama not because he is Black. Thank you!

    Seems to me like "I didn't vote obama because I love the republicans"
  15. dementia

    dementia Well-Known Member

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    May 21, 2005
    Yeah, that and you don't like change, you like the way things are run now.

    So 2/3 reasons that I stated you fall category to.

    You are a conservative, its natural to vote for the conservatice party because they compliment your own personal expectations. I am largely a centralist, I don't pick a party because they are of one group or the other, I pick a party because of their stances. McCain didn't want to change much of anything if he became president, and I think its blatantly obvious that the way the nation is currently run is *not* within the best interest of the nation. It was staying the same, likely for another 8 years, with the possibility of Palin becoming president, or to vote for change, and in the event the nation doesn't take kindly to a black president (ie, he gets shot), we have yet another stable, polished, reliable vice president to fall back on with similar views.

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