Kalli's Epic Critique Thread

Discussion in 'Signatures' started by Kalli, Jul 18, 2007.

  1. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2006
    Ok I think I can do a few more.
  2. `sparks

    `sparks Jcoca

    Likes Received:
    May 6, 2006
    Kallitechnis :eek:


    Please and thank you ^_^
  3. Generation

    Generation Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2004
    All made except render.
    looking forward to nice cnc :)

  4. AG Birdman

    AG Birdman Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 26, 2006
  5. ~ Art ;

    ~ Art ; Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2007
    Made this one a long time ago. Forgot to post it though.

    I like this style, But please tell me how to improve it :)

  6. JL Rubidox

    JL Rubidox Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 29, 2006

    My newest, made with 100% defaults in Gimp. ;)
  7. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2006
    Sorry to everyone who posted above. I thought I had switched my status to offline. If you would still like me to CnC any of the tags you posted please let me know and I will do so.

    Anyways, start posting away again!
  8. shifty

    shifty Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 3, 2006

  9. Onime no Kyo

    Onime no Kyo Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2006
    Not sure if you're actually online or not, but...

  10. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2006
    Sorry guys my internet is bugging out on me...I will have to critique those tomorrow...sorry!
  11. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2006
    Generation -

    For anyone who is wondering why I am going back it is because I told him I would through PM. Sorry Gen that it has taken me so long, I have just started college so its been frustrating but now I am on for awhile. Anyways, getting to your tag now.

    I think I simply love the whole concept about this tag. I love tags that more depict a picture rather than just some c4d's and effects. I think mainly because I like photography. Anyway, I think that you portrayed this very well. However there are still a few flaws to the tag that I think could very much be improved. First thing that I was looking at was the lighting. You have a good light source in the back which kinda of works for his upper body, but not his legs. If you look on his legs there is a very bright light source on them that is clearly not coming from behind him. So maybe just add a second light source, or just re-adjust the current lighting.

    Next I would have to talk about the effects. I like how the sky and the buildings are not real. That just adds so much to the tag in my own opinion. However, it looks like there are lights or something on the buildings. They might have a good amount of small detail on them. However, I think that it might look better if they were just shaded light and dark for depth but with no effects or detail on them. Then there is the sky. I do like how you wanted darker clouds on the top. However, I do not think that it was all that well done. I think since everything is the same texture it just looks like a bad transition of lighting in my own opinion. Although, it does not look horrible.

    The last two things are the text and the lines and leaves. The lines around him are not the worst but there is one really thin line that looks pixelated. I think maybe either thicken that line up and lower the opacity or maybe just get rid of it all together. The leaves were a good touch there are just a few leaves that are in there that could be removed. Mainly the ones not right around his body in my opinion. Then for the text. I think you need to get rid of that X because this is the Silver Surfer, not X-Men and that is what it reminds me of when I look at it. Also the circle and the leaves just look weird. I think with some better text it would look nice. I like the position but a different type of that font might look good.

    Merged Post:

    Shifty -

    I am also going back again because my internet was being weird so I am going back and doing the last two as well. So please do not take this as I have changed my rules because I have not done so. Anyways, I am not sure if you are gonna come back and look at this shifty, but if you do I hope this will help.

    Unfortunately, I am truly gonna have to say I can not really find one good thing that I can actually compliment on. There is a lot to be fixed and even done more of in this tag. I will try to go over it the best I can without dragging on for too long. The first thing that I noticed when I looked at this tag was the text. First of all, you have text in two different sections. Never do that. I have not once in my entire graphics life seen a tag that looked good having text in two different places on the tag. The font as well is not good font. For this type of tag I would suggest maybe just using some default text or some simple font that you have. Also the multicolored part of the text does not fit with the tag, and to me the color just was not the best to pick. Next, is that glow line with the light dots around it. This to me has no place in this tag. It looks like it was just slapped on there because you thought the effect itself looked good, or you wanted something more to the tag. I would actually say remove it all together. Oh yea, also get rid of that border, it looks bad.

    Next is the lighting and the effects. The lighting in this tag is not the worst, but it is also not that hott either. The lighting transition to the sides of the tag is just WAY too quick. You need to make the transition from light to dark in a gentle way or even a fast way....fast is pretty hard to do though. But here it just goes from light to dark way to fast on the sides. Your lighting position though was placed pretty much in the ideal spot looking at the render. The effects just seem to minimal to me as well. It looks as though the background is decent and you tried to give it some depth by blurring. A tip for you, when you blur the background the foreground needs to have some sharper effects along with the render being more sharp then you have it right now. Anyways, there is attempted depth here, but not really the best. Also there is no real flow to the tag that I can tell. So maybe try adding some c4ds effects in the front or even try the displace filter or clipping masks.

    Merged Post:

    Onime no Kyo -

    Sorry m8. I was on at the time you had posted this tag, but for some reason my internet cutting in and out on me. I am not sure what it was, so I am sorry for the delay on the CnC for this tag. I shall go ahead and still CnC this tag and I hope you do come back to see this post.

    I am definitely loving parts of this tag, but then at the same time there are quite a few spots that I feel totally ruin the tag. Which meaning overall this tag could be much better than it is now. First thing I was noticing was those dark spots. You have two spots in there that are just pitch black with nothing on them. I suggest maybe doing something with those. I am all for negative space in tags, but in this way they just look weird and out of place and give the tag an overall weird feel to it. Then the lighting is also not helping all that much. The light is suppose to be coming from in front of him and maybe kinda of to the side, but from what I can tell you have the light source behind him. That is just kinda of strange to me and I think that it could be better with a better positioned and strengthened light source.

    I am simply loving the effects that you have in the background. I am not sure how you did those, maybe just added a c4d in there or used the liquify tool or something else. Anyways, those are awesome and the colors you have chosen for them to me were just almost perfect. However, the other effects you have in the tag to me have ruined them. You have the rest of the effects basically pretty messy and they ruin the flow of those. I think that the messy/foggy look would look great if it were just at the bottom of those effects. Then maybe kinda of a starry clear type look everywhere else. The main thing though is those are so smooth I think the top half of the tag would have looked better if it would have stayed smoother. The last thing are those rings around his shoulder and the effects in the back to the right of him. The rings just look weird and I think it would look better without those. Then also, the effects to the right of him just seem to be a tad bit sharp and pixelated.
  12. thuggnangel

    thuggnangel Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 13, 2006
    Hi Kalli!

    Would you mind criting this new tag of mine:


    btw am I allowed to put more than one tag up for crit per post?
  13. Kalli

    Kalli Senior Member

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    Apr 5, 2006
    Thuggnangel -

    No sorry. It is just one tag per day that I will critique for people. It would get too overwhelming for me if I let people post more than once. This way too when I am on everyone has a fair chance to get their turn to get their tag critiqued. Anyways, to your tag.

    I know you did not do this, at least I don't think. But I simply love the coloring in this tag. I know if it is the stock it was not on purpose, but I think those colors are just vibrant enough to be like totally the best I have ever seen....not really...but I love them! However, there are plenty of downsides to the tag. First off I will go ahead and go with the effects. The effects just seem too minimal to me. It just looks like splatter brush with some clipping masks. Also the duplicated render in the background is just not appealing to me at all. Usually when people do that they make it discreet or do it in a fashionable manor. Also I think the effects would look better if they were a bit more sharpened and not so blurred, especially since they are in the front of the tag. Also I am not like the duplicated bar on the right of the tag. Then also I do not like the border, but also I do not like borders in general.

    I think the lighting you did pretty well. It seems as though it is in the perfect spot with the perfect color. However, with it being right over the render it looks a tad off. Like it creates a foggy look over the render which seems a little odd. Maybe try moving it up and only have the lighting be the lightest part of the soft brush....and also maybe try toning it down just a tad. I would also suggest going in there with the dodge and burn tool because that might help it a lot in areas that would look better a tad darker. Lastly is the clipping mask bar you have on the tag. Clipping mask bars can be tricky sometimes. On some tags they look good and on some they look bad because you have to position them just right. I think this one is positioned decently, but it is too long imo.
  14. Rauk

    Rauk Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 14, 2007
    Crit Please


  15. JL Rubidox

    JL Rubidox Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 29, 2006

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