My Oppinion On Racial Issues

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jack ACE Sawyer, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. Jack ACE Sawyer

    Jack ACE Sawyer Well-Known Member

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    Mar 12, 2005
    I'm starting this conversation on several forums trying to get some oppinions from a multitude of people. I just like discussions :)

    Alright, this is basically a vexation when it comes to the view of race issues in the United States. This annoyance comes both from the Black Community and White. Each group is full of ignorant individuals that do nothing more than hurt the overall health of the entire nation.

    First, I'll take the more popular act of bashing white people when it comes to racial issue before I tackle the views and actions of blacks on the matter.

    One of the biggest things that irks me when it comes to racist white people is the fact that most of them are just plain funny. I die laughing when I see interviews of guys on welfare sitting in the back of their trailer drinking a beer while saying that Tiger Woods shouldn't be allowed to play because he's black and that Golf is a white sport. Similar comments have been said about hockey and NASCAR.

    Another one is the "Why don't you go back where yall came from." is a comment that almost makes me laugh. They really can't go back because well... they were born here. Where the hell would they go? Not to mention the fact that most Africans were sold as slaves by other blacks in Africa. So you're basically telling someone to go to a country that they've never been before to live with a group of people that hated them enough to sell them in the first place? How idiotic is that?

    Plenty of other issues as well. Employers not hiring people because of their race or creed are only hurting themselves. If someone scores 97 on a test and another scores 90 but the one that gets the 90 gets the job because he's white while the one that scored 97 is black well... you're only hurting the position by not filling it with the most capable set of hands.

    Now... here comes the "unpopular" part of my views. And it's actually lengthier because people are more familiar with the white on black racism than they are about the other side because it's taboo in our society to talk about things like this. But... I don't really care.

    Affirmative Action... yeah... those two words that make a lot of Black People very hypocritical. A man once said "If the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall." And in case you're wondering who said that, it was Frederick Douglass a great man. Affirmative Action hurts America just as much as racist employers. Why give somebody a job even though they didn't prove to be the absolute best out of the people that applied? What sort of logic can possibly govern such thinking? It's wasteful, that's what it is.

    Something else that hurts blacks is very limited thinking when it comes to racial issues. A lot think that racial problems, in the US are extremely bad when it comes to blacks being mistreated just because of race. I'm sorry my friends... but you're wrong. You are dead wrong. In many parts of the world, people of color are extremely mistreated. All over Europe during football games you see black players being pelted with bananas on the field while entire stadiums do monkey chants whenever a black player touches the ball. They are spit on while they're on corner kicks, they are beat if ever found in public and you see entire sections at those games where people hang black rag dolls by ropes and wear swastikas on their clothing and wave the flag.

    Now this isn't just.. one or two people or even a few dozen people mistreating blacks. It's entire stadiums at times. Thousands of people doing things such as that. Now answer me this... is there any possible chance that blacks can be treated like this in the US today? There is absolutely no chance. Yes, there is violence, there is mistreatment and a lot of wrong things happen and they always will but absolutely nothing to this degree.

    I have personally experienced a helluva lot more racism and general abuse by the government in my life than almost every single black in the United States. I was born in Romania while it was still a communist country. My parents came to the US because if they wouldn't... they'd be dead. Tell me, does any single black family have to worry about anything such as this in the US?

    There is a lot more black on white racism than there is white on black right now in this country. I'll give an example. I was in English class and we were reading a story. I was reading aloud and I came to a word. My teacher stopped me from reading and told a black kid to continue. I raised my hand and I asked why she stopped me. She said that I wasn't allowed to read the word "[Censored]". I pointed to the kid and asked "Well she's about to say it." Her reply was... "Well she's not white."

    Following was a very long (yet civil) debate on the matter. English class turned into debate. I stated facts. I asked why I didn't couldn't say the word and she said that white people shouldn't say it for what they did to blacks. I kind of smiled and I won the argument. You see I'm not American (on paper I am but anyway). I was born in Romania and my ancestral ties are to gypsies. Even though I look white to the rest of the world I'm not considered white because of the fact I have gypsy blood in me.

    And I asked how come blacks today couldn't just let go. She said that two centuries of slavery can't be erased so quickly.

    Well honestly... I don't understand that. Gypsies were slaves for two thousand years throughout SouthEastern Europe. The work was ten times as difficult, the cruelty was way surpassing any that blacks went through in America and women weren't even looked at as women. They were used as concubines.

    Not only that but we were right under Jewish people when it came to races of people killed and captured during the Holocaust. Numbers as high as 500,000 and 600,000 people were captured and/or killed during the Holocaust. Yes, I'm angry, yes, if I met a person that helped with that I'd punch them in the face.

    But do I feel any hate for the present German people? Present Turks? No. It's done, it's over with and it's a totally different group of people. Why can't so many blacks do the same when it comes to "the white man"?

    Want me to tell you why? Alright, here's another part that pisses a lot of people off. I think a lot of those are lazy. I go to a school where I'm usually the only white guy in the class. I have 3 AP classes and I've talked to them about racial issues. All of the students in the top percentage of the school overall don't really think that blacks are really being mistreated yet if I ask one of the kids with a 1.7 GPA he'll be more than happy to tell me how he's being held down while at the same time a black guy in my class has an overall 4.7 GPA, he's on the football and basketball team and has been granted a 4 year scholarship to UF. Full ride, he has to pay for nothing. He's even getting free housing.

    I'm just really getting tired of people complaining how much black people are being mistreated and they ignore everything else about racial issues. And what really irritates me is the blacks that expect you to bow your head in shame when talking about slavery. It's done, get over it!

    Note: I, by no means, am I generalizing. Every time I talked about something about a group of people, be it black or white, I was referring to only that specific part in the group.

    I am looking forward to what everyone's got to say. But please try to remain civil. I was able to debate with an entire class of African American students and a teacher and not one time did any one of them get angry or violent so please... if you think you're unable to remain civil just don't post. This goes to anyone reading this. Thank you.
  2. Mcal

    Mcal Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 5, 2005
    connecticut usa
    well said
  3. Shyshak

    Shyshak Well-Known Member

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    Feb 23, 2006
    agree with u man... im from argentina and here is as racism as everywhere, but we get on well with everybody... the thing is that if something bad happens everyone say "es la culpa de esos negros de mier...." (is the fuc... nigers fault) thats really bad, is not that we are racist, we just have that damn way of speaking...
  4. Ohms Law JR.

    Ohms Law JR. Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 30, 2005
    Lakeland, FL
    well wtf u cant stop it + blacks like being called nigga ******
  5. Scooby.05

    Scooby.05 Senior Member

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    Jul 28, 2005
    Not in derogatory sense, there's a big difference and everyone's entitled to an opinion. Are they not?
  6. DiabloDj1

    DiabloDj1 Well-Known Member

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    Jan 27, 2005
    What I believe. People need to lighten up around here when it comes to little things. Calling people a cracker, the "N" word, making fun of people for being jewish(which is a religion i know), all these things.....just lighten up, crap happens, and move on.
  7. MonsterLishis

    MonsterLishis Well-Known Member

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    Mar 16, 2005
    Yeah that was long. I'll get back to you on this one lol I read up to back the "I was born in Romiania" and then I quit.

    But you are deffinitly right on what you said though out the beginning. I love watching hicks speak their clouded mind. Thruthfully I am gonna have to blame religion. If religion did not exist people would be less hateful and more tolerent to differences. It's pathatic how I people have can 100% complelely different views than a person who is just like them except for their religion. I blame the Christianity, for most of the United States is Christian.

    I also blame blind devotion. Why do people believe in something with out questioning it? (I am not trying to start a is god real rant.) If I tell you the moon was made of poo, would you believe me? ---- no. Why should it be the same with the bible? The bible is thousands of years old and caters to a different sort of society. Do we actually know what happened when christ died? no, we have a second hand source telling us what to believe and what happened. Sure there has been some proof that he was cruicified, and I do not believe he wasn't. Was he the son of god? That is a different story. THINK FOR YOU F*CK'N SELVES!

    O and I noticed I probably spelled many words wrong in that. I really don't need you telling me. Thx anyway :P
  8. Jack ACE Sawyer

    Jack ACE Sawyer Well-Known Member

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    Mar 12, 2005
    That was long? It wasn't THAT long... well compared to the stuff I did before lol
  9. lazyman

    lazyman Member

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    Sep 8, 2005
    i agree with you. but most people think i am racist. i'm not just logical.

    and you can't blame christianity for anything. just as yu can't blame the dutch for slavery. it is the people who are ignorant. there are a lot of ignorant christians aswell as a crap load of ignorants from other demo graphics.
  10. lestatslover

    lestatslover Well-Known Member

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    Mar 5, 2006
    im a black gurl and ive had just about everything in the book happen to me. ive been called niger ive even been called cracker and a bunch of other crazy things i wont say on here. ive been hit spit on damn near assaulted but ya know what i dont turn around and blame a entire race for it i even still to this day date white men, so i think people need to lighten up because i know half the racist blk people havent been threw what i have and im only 21 so i think people should just live there lives and roll with the punches and stop livng with there race sitting on there shoulders and ready to jump off at any minute. you only live once.
  11. p34

    p34 Well-Known Member

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    Mar 15, 2006
    what pisses me off is when white people think they are cool and call you a ******, and then they are 5 foot and weigh 200 pounds.. but in real life they wont say ----..
    i dont hate alll white people for the things i get, i dont even hate all white racists, its not my fault they are ignorant, and grew up in a family that was also racist, cant get stopped up by people.
  12. .veto

    .veto Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2004
    yea, u have pretty much the same ideas as me...

    that racism is worst in U.S is also really false...

    ppl here in the U.S feel like we are so horribly racist compared to mostly Europe, but after visiting Europe and some soccer games, i definetly find that that is false... the U.S is pretty good and we are getting better...

    we have many discussions like this in American Gov, we also settled that jocks are the most diverse and most communicative between blacks and whites, just like in our school
  13. Youngblood

    Youngblood Well-Known Member

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    Jun 11, 2005
    this ignorance really makes me laugh
  14. DarkPrince11

    DarkPrince11 Well-Known Member

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    Mar 22, 2006
    Deer Park, New York
    nicely said man. Nicely said. I really have nothing more to add to that as I am huge victim of racism. (Im Muslim+Asian)
  15. p34

    p34 Well-Known Member

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    Mar 15, 2006
    I think arabs, and any ethnicity even relating to asia, is extremely victimized by racism, even more than any other races, just for the fact that people are ignorant and think if a few people do 9/11 then they are all gonna do it..


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