I can make the, but I was wondering how to get an image in there, say on a disc to spin too, cause I can only do basic rings/discs/text spin o_o...
thanks mate :)
http://spectraldesign.deviantart.com/art/Starkiller-181442207?q=&qo= bought a graphics tablet recently so been having fun ;)
Love the feel, love naruto <3
I'm not too fond on the text; a version without any text I would love, rest is great, gj.
Thanks alot mate, appreciate it. Yeah I don't mind either tbh :P
your sig is huge O_O
first in like 6-8 months or something 8-) [img]
dont rly like the smudging, and 2 focals ? :S
Im really not a fan at all of belevel/reflections(onasig) and popouts(?) Rather just have a much more unique sig, within the rectangle, if you...
1st is v nice, last made me lol
The messiness fits it imo, gj
Separate names with a comma.